Before I tell you what I’m trying now, I want to state that I’m not recommending anything, endorsing, or discounting anything for anyone who reads this. Just sayin.
I’m now trying this here CBD oil and 5HTP. CBD stands for cannabidiol, in plain terms, cannabis without the THC in the low doses. I have been told there is trace amounts of THC in the 3X strength. I’ve done a lot of research and learned two very important things:
1.Doctors don’t know your body and what’s going to work for you so you have to be your own advocate. They no longer have that G-O-D status where we do whatever they say and treat it as gospel.
2.Quality matters. If you take a less expensive or diluted product, it aint gonna do nuthin.
I’m going to track my progress so I know if it’s working.
last night I used the brand Jarrow of 5HTP 5-Hydroxytryptophan, also known as oxitriptan, it is a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin. I slept great. Woke up at 3AM to pee and was able to fall back asleep with no problem. Still had night sweats and hot flash.
This morning 6/8/18 I ingested approx 1/2 a dropper (7 drops maybe) of High quality CBD oil. Dosage is very individual, always start low. They say small portions throughout the day are better than one large dose. This oil builds up in your blood stream so it takes several days to have effect on symptoms just like anti-depressants do. DO not take this without checking with your doctor.
Initial impressions:i can feel it in my head, not really a headache, but a presence. I had more energy. I did forget to put on my daily sunscreen and forgot my water this morning. Not sure if that was a result of oil or because i was running late, i will have to keep track of that. My mouth did feel dryer all day. Emotionally sad today, and increased indigestion, things to monitor. -%

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