No Cure
With every breath I take
You are here, in, and around me.
Each moaning sound I make
Is because I hunger to be free.
I shed tears at the sudden ticklish strife
Your divisive dust, sprinkled imperceptibly
How did I allow you again into my life?
A character who inflicts with obvious glee.
You attempt to silence my rasping voice
As I drench you with therapeutic tea.
Buzzing fills my ears whilst you rejoice
I recognize you are deaf to my plea.
I must hold you at bay from my heart, my chest.
The hurt could endure, followed by a slow recovery.
Your essence obstructs my nose, I long to rest
Comfortably in the fetal position of an unborn baby.
In solace, I’m not alone or even your first
Your strength is our weakness, the entry key
Was it a kiss, a touch, to satisfy your thirst?
There are far too many tormented, an infinite we.
I thought I could escape, my immune system pure.
No shot, pill, or faux remedy has the sway to impede
The ravages of your viral potency, there is no cure.
Reluctantly, to the dynamics of the Common Cold, I concede!
Fern Goodman